Middle English Links: Chaucer and "Sir Gawain"

The best on the Web! The most complete collection of texts, articles, art, illustrations, music, and critiques on one subject that I have ever seen in two decades of web surfing. The subject: early English literature from Middle English through the seventeenth century.

Harvard's Chaucer Page
Excellent collection of resources; most complete background on Chaucer and source information. Great place to learn to read and pronounce Middle English.

Chaucer MetaPage
From the University of North Carolina. A great directory to most of the really good websites on Chaucer.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Full Text
Jesse Weston's translation into modern English verse. This is the translation that we use in class. To access this .pdf, go to the InfoBox on the left and click on "Jessie Weston's Verse Translation."

Basic Information On King Arthur
A short, simple summary of the main aspects of the portrait of the legendary King Arthur.

Winthrop University's Arthurian Literature Page
A lavishly illustrated, beautiful web page from this university in South Carolina. Fascinating resources on everything from gender roles to armor to historical sources for all Arthurian stories in English, including SGGK.

A Wiccan Interpretation of SGGK
The Middle English classic discussed from a witch's point of view. (!)

The Camelot Project Gawain Pages
Easy to read, easy to use - a marvelous multi-media collection of links to some excellent pages on Sir Gawain and the Arthurian legend from the University of Rochester.

Arthurian Overview
Must-read summary of the major characters of the Arthurian myth. Short summaries.

The Opening Of Canterbury Tales Read In Middle English

...Plus A Link To A Luminarium Page With A Second Reading:
Anita Jokinen Reads The Prologue

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